Last updated: February 2023

Masking continues to be required for public events at the John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute. Extra masks will be available for attendees if needed.

Eating and Drinking

For small private gatherings (15 people or less) such as workshops, seminars, or meetings, food may be consumed inside event spaces (e.g. the Lecture Hall, Labs). Attendees must be masked when not actively eating or drinking.

For larger gatherings (15 or more people), eating and drinking is now permitted in the common areas of Bay 4. Please adhere to social distancing. Masking is required when not actively eating or drinking.

We continue to encourage single/boxed meals and eating outside prior or after the event, as weather permits. We also encourage event organizers to inform guests of eating arrangements ahead of time.

For classes meeting in Lab spaces, please follow University guidance on COVID safety.

We will communicate through this page and through Institute social media channels if and when our policies change.