This working group asked how diverse fields such as the performing arts, memory studies, disability studies, space studies, ethnic studies, and STEM etc. and issues of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality, can inform our pedagogical practices on and offline? The main goal of the working group was to advocate for kinesthetic knowledge in physical and virtual classes at Duke and beyond, and for educators from diverse disciplines to learn and practice different embodied teaching tools.

For the first phase of this project, we learned from six invited speakers from diverse backgrounds and different scholarships during our workshop series which will ran from March to May (YEAR?). Scholars and educators discussed their experience implementing embodied pedagogies on and offline and shared tools and resources for our group to build on. The future phases of this group will consist of surveying the state of embodied pedagogies at Duke and creating and lobbying for embodied pedagogies curricula and trainings.

This group is open to all so please share it to your community. For more information, email: Dr. Maïko Le Lay at