tgiFHI is a weekly series that gives Duke faculty in the humanities, interpretive social sciences and arts the opportunity to present their current research to their departmental and interdepartmental colleagues, students, and other interlocutors in their fields.
tgiFHI events take place from 9:30–11:00 a.m. on Friday mornings in the Ahmadieh Family Lecture Hall (C105, Bay 4, Smith Warehouse). Our director introduces at the speaker at 9:30 a.m., and the speaker gives a talk of about 45–50 minutes. We then open the floor for discussion, and close at 11:00 a.m.
In 2020, we started a companion interview series to tgiFHI called "Meet Your Humanities Faculty." Soon, you will be able to browse all interviews to date via the page at left.
October 20, 2023
Beverly McIver, Art, Art History, and Visual Studies
"A Promise is a Promise: Loving and Caring for Renee"
October 27, 2023
Ásta, Philosophy
"Critical Social Metaphysics: Metaphysics for Liberation and Social Science"
November 3, 2023
Negar Mottahedeh, Literature, Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, Visual & Media Studies, and Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies
November 10, 2023
Kate Driscoll, Romance Studies
November 17, 2023
Mert Bahadir Reisoglu, German Studies
Fall 2022 Schedule
October 14, 2022
Sarah Balakrishnan, History
"Prison of the Womb: Gender, Incarceration & Capitalism in Colonial West Africa"
Meet Your Humanities Faculty: Sarah Balakrishnan
October 21, 2022
Mark Anthony Neal, African & African American Studies
"The Love Languages of Black Fatherhood"
Meet Your Humanities Faculty: Mark Anthony Neal
October 28, 2022
Shambhavi Kaul, Art, Art History, and Visual Studies
November 4, 2022
Kimberly K. Lamm, Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies
“‘She Could Work Out Some Arrangement’: Writing the Black Sartorial Imagination with Nella Larsen”
Meet Your Humanities Faculty: Kimberly K. Lamm
November 11, 2022
Douglas Jones, English and Theater Studies
"The New Negro, a Double Act: More Notes from the 'Black Below'"
Meet Your Humanities Faculty: Douglas Jones
November 18, 2022
Stefani Engelstein, German Studies
"Divisive Affect, Loyalty, and National Cohesion: Du Bois contra Wagner"
Meet Your Humanities Faculty: Stefani Engelstein
Spring 2023 Schedule
January 20, 2023
Cassandra Casias, Classical Studies
"(Her) Breast is Best: Mothers and Wet-Nurses in Roman Africa"
January 27, 2023
Yun Emily Wang, Music
"Listening Incommensurably: the Impossibility of Sounding 'Out' from Queer Taiwanese Toronto"
February 3, 2023
Negar Mottahedeh, Literature
"Electric Voice: Tactility and Tacticality in Revolutionary Iran"
February 10, 2023
Wenjin Liu, Philosophy
"Political Vice in Plato"
February 17, 2023
Ryan Donovan, Theater Studies
"'Must Be Heavyset': Casting, Size, and the Body Politics of Broadway Musicals"
February 24, 2023
Sarah Quesada, Romance Studies
"A Latin-African Literature and its Memorials"
March 3, 2023
Annette Joseph-Gabriel, Romance Studies
"Childhood, Slavery, and Fugitivity in the Age of Revolution"
Fall 2021 Schedule
Friday, October 22
Samuel Fury Childs Daly, African & African American Studies
"How Soldiers Think: Law and Dictatorship in Nigeria"
Friday, October 29
Jakob Norberg, German Studies
"Schopenhauer's Politics"
Friday, November 5
Sophia Enriquez, Music
"Listening for Latinx Understories: The Musical Roots/Routes of Migrant Farmworkers in North Carolina"
Friday, November 12
Erika Weiberg, Classical Studies
"On Knowing and Not Knowing Trauma in Ancient Greek"
Spring 2022 Schedule
Friday, January 7
Iyun Ashani Harrison, Dance
"On Becoming: A Dance Research Presentation"
Friday, January 14
Paul Jaskot, Art, Art History, and Visual Studies
"Using Digital Methods to Analyze Humanities Sources: The Case of Nazi-Occupied Krakow"
Friday, January 21
Calvin Cheung-Miaw, History
"From Color-Line to Colorlines: Asian-American Intellectuals in the 1980s and 1990s"
Friday, January 28
Deonte Harris, International Comparative Studies
“Interrogating 'Value from Below': An Ethnography of Culture and Power in London’s Carnival Art and Music Scene”
Friday, February 4
Esther Kim Lee, Theater Studies
"Made-up Asians: Yellowface During the Exclusion Era"
Friday, February 11
Kevin Richardson, Philosophy
"Are Black Men a Counterexample to Feminism?"
Friday, February 18
Anna Storti, Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies
"Racist Intimacies: Asian America in Thrall to Desire"
Friday, February 25 - CANCELED (updated 2/21/22)
Sarah Quesada, Romance Studies
"A Latin-African Internationalism and UNESCO's Memorials"
Friday, March 4
Erdağ Göknar, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
"Legal and Affective Archives of Atrocity: Allied Occupied Istanbul (1918-1923) and the Afterlives of Genocide"
Fall 2020 Schedule
Friday, September 18
Luciana Parisi, Literature
Recursive Colonialism and Speculative Computation
Interview and recording
Friday, September 25
Jasmine Nichole Cobb, African & African American Studies
Tactility and the Texture of Racial Capitalism
Interview and recording
Friday, October 2
Jessica Namakkal, International Comparative Studies
Unsettling Utopia: Spiritual Settlement and Colonial Extraction
Interview and recording
Friday, October 9
Darren Gobert, Theater Studies
Interview and Recording
Friday, October 16
Jesús Ruiz, Franklin Humanities Institute, History, and Art, Art History & Visual Studies (AAHVS)
"I Burn My Nation": Black Royalists and Monarchical Thought in the Haitian Revolution
Interview and Recording
Friday, October 23
Felipe de Brigard, Philosophy
Nostalgia Reimagined
Interview and Recording
Friday, October 30
Michael Kliën, Dance
Wild Thoughts and the Killing of the Octopus: Social Choreography as an Aesthetics of Governance
Interview and Recording
Friday, November 6
Fadi A. Bardawil, Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
Overcoming Theory’s Resistances: Translating Arab Revolutions Past and Present
Interview and Recording
Spring 2021 Schedule
Friday, January 29
Laura Lieber, Religious Studies
Bodies of Knowledge: Recovering the Lost Drama of the Early Synagogue
Interview and recording
Friday, February 5
Lee Baker, Cultural Anthropology
W.E.B. DuBois, Franz Boas, and "the Real Race Problem"
Interview and recording
Friday, February 12
Philip Rupprecht, Music
Music, Bureaucracy, and the Production of Taste: Malcolm Arnold and the BBC in the 1950s
Interview and recording
Friday, February 19
Jarvis McInnis, English
Tuskegee & the Plantationocene: Toward a Theory of Eco-Ontology in Black Studies
Interview and recording
Friday, February 26
Martin Miller, History
Western Documentary Photography of the Soviet Union, 1928-1968
Interview and recording
Friday, March 5
Roberto Dainotto, Romance Studies
Sovversivismo: Gramsci on Reactionary Insurrections
Interview and recording
Friday, March 12
Henry Pickford, German Studies
Thinking with Adorno
Interview and recording
Friday, March 19
Jehanne Gheith, Slavic & Eurasian Studies
Still Alice, Always Elena: New Stories about Dementia
Fall 2019 Schedule
Friday, September 27
Roseen Giles, Music
The Millennial Discord: Generational Tensions in Early Modern Italy
Friday, October 4
Franklin Cason, Franklin Humanities Institute
Psyche-Analysis: The Politics of Excess and the Souls of Black Film
Friday, October 11
Leela Prasad, Religious Studies
The Sovereignty of an Audacious Raconteur in Colonial India
Friday, October 18
Mark Antliff, Art, Art History & Visual Studies
Sculpture Against the State: Anarchism, Censorship and Jacob Epstein's Tomb of Oscar Wilde
Friday, October 25
Thomas F. DeFrantz, Dance
Resisting the Universal: Black Dance, Aesthetics, and the Afterlives of Slavery
Friday, November 1
Leo Ching, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
The New Great Game: Anti-Japanism in the Era of China’s Rise
Spring 2020 Schedule
Friday, January 17
Genevieve Rousselière, Political Science
Revolutionary Republicanism
*Please note that this presentation will take place in the Social Movements Lab, B189, Bay 5, Smith Warehouse
Friday, January 24
Patrice Douglass, Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies
On the Question of Violence: Slavery, Sexual Subjection, and Legal Paradigms of Thought
Friday, January 31
Taylor Black, English
Everybody Plays the Fool: On Style and Stupidity
Friday, February 7
Orin Starn, Cultural Anthropology
Anthropology and the Misery of Writing
Friday, February 14
Elvira Vilches, Romance Studies
Cultures of Capitalism: Early Modern Spain
Friday, February 21
Kata Gellen, Germanic Languages & Literature
On Hubris and Imagination: Kafka, Nietzsche, and Contemporary Ecological Discourse
Friday, February 28
Beth Holmgren, Slavic & Eurasian Studies
The Stars of Cabaret Warsaw: Jews and Gentiles at Play on the Interwar Polish Stage
Fall 2018 Schedule
Friday, September 28
Joseph Winters, Religious Studies
The Sacred Gone Astray: Eliade, Fanon, Wynter, and the Terror of Colonial Settlement
Friday, October 5
No tgiFHI (Fall Break)
Friday, October 12
Mark Hansen, Literature
Techno-Aesthesis and Drone Vision
Friday, October 19
Annabel J. Wharton, Art, Art History & Visual Studies
Body Model
Friday, October 26
Nima Bassiri, Literature
Catherine Reilly, Literature
Deborah Jenson, Romance Studies
Brainhood, Self-Concepts, and the Perils of Neuroconformity
Friday, November 2
Carlos Rojas, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
James Miller, Duke Kunshan University Humanities Research Center
The DKU Humanities Research Center and the Planetary Humanities
Friday, November 9
Saskia Cornes, Duke Campus Farm and Franklin Humanities Institute
Milton's Manuring: Eden, Eve, Enclosure, Epic
Friday, November 16
Margaret Humphreys, History
Finding Dr. Harris
Spring 2019 Schedule
Friday, January 18
Bradley Rogers, Theater Studies
Rethinking the Revolutions of Hamilton
Friday, January 25
Michaeline Crichlow, African and African American Studies
Patricia Northover, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies (SALISES), University of the West Indies
Race, Space and the Kinopolitics of Place in Hispaniola: Notes on Primitive Accumulation
Friday, February 1
Jacqueline Waeber, Music
Rousseau on Music, Redux
Friday, February 8
Charlotte Sussman, English
Where Does Dido Rest? Thinking the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Together
Friday, February 15
Gopal Sreenivasan, Philosophy
What is Courage?
Recording available
Friday, February 22
Harris Solomon, Cultural Anthropology
On Life Support
Friday, March 1
Shai Ginsburg, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Modern Hebrew: A History Revisited