Film: Mukí Sopalírili Algué Gawichí Nirúgame (The Woman of Stars and Mountains)

Javier Campos López
Light refreshments served.
Parking available across Trent Drive in Perkins Family Clinic Lot. []
Dir. By Santiago Esteinou, Javier Campos López, Axel Pedraza. México. 2023. 101 min. | Spanish, English, Raramuli with English subtitles. With the participation of producer and editor Javier Campos López. []
This documentary tells the story of Rita, an indigenous woman from Mexico (at Raramuri from the Tarahumara Range), who left her community in the Mountains and went on a journey to Kansas, where she was detained and committed involuntarily to a psychiatric hospital for 12 years, despite the fact that the hospital authorities were never able to determine who was this woman, where did she come from, or what language she spoke.
[]Este documental cuenta la historia de Rita, una mujer rarómari, que abandonó su pequeña comunidad en la Sierra Tarahumara y emprendió un viaje hasta Kansas, donde fue detenida e internada en un hospital psiquiátrico, en contra de su voluntad, por 12 años, sin que las autoridades del hospital pudieran determinar quién era esta mujer, de dónde venía o qué idioma hablaba.
Central America focus, Ethics, Global, Human Rights, Humanities, Mexico focus, Movie/Film