Frames of Resistance: The Cinemas of Abya Yala
Amalia Córdova
Amalia Córdova. Smithsonian Institute. Supervisory Curator, World Cultures; Chair of Cultural Research and Education. Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage. Director of Mother Tongue Film Series.
Monday. Oct. 9., 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Location: Amazon Lab, FHI, Smith Warehouse, Bay 5, Duke University
Amalia Córdova is a filmmaker, curator and scholar specializing in Indigenous film. She is a former Latin American specialist for the Film + Video Center of the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian, has served as Assistant Director of New York University's Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, and has taught at New York University's Gallatin School of Individualized Study. She has published extensively on Latin American Indigenous film and video, and on the circulation of Indigenous cinema. She co-directs the Smithsonian Mother Tongue Film Festival and curates international showcases in collaboration with a range of partners and collaborators. For more info, see her Smithsonian profile.
She will discuss her forthcoming book, Frames of Resistance: The Cinemas of Abya Yala.
Gustavo Furtado, co-director of the Amazon Lab, will facilitate a Q&A discussion.
This event is part of the 2023 North Carolina Latin American Film Festival (Being Plants / Ser Plantas). Co-sponsored by the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
Central America focus, Diversity/Inclusion, Global, Humanities, Lecture/Talk, Movie/Film, Social Sciences, South America focus