This resource page has been created as a supplement to FHI Associate Director Christina Chia's "lightning talk" at the Catalyzing Climate Connections Researcher Forum (10/10/2024).

On indigenous Art and Ecological Thought

Amazon Lab

Jamille Pinheiro Dias, Talk on Indigenous Artist Denilson Baniwa

Talk begins 00:27:05. Jamille Pinheiro Dias is Director of the Centre of Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of London’s School of Advanced Study and Affiliated Researcher of the FHI Amazon Lab. Here she speaks on Denilson Baniwa's work as anti-racist and epistemic resistance against agribusiness encroachment in Brazil. Part of "Indigeneity, Art, and Education," a larger dialogue with artists Gustavo Caboco (from the Wapichana people, Cuiabá,  Brazil) and Jessica Clark (from the Lumbee people, North Carolina, US).

Note: the Lab concluded its run at the FHI in Summer 2024. Lab Director Gustavo Furtado and its graduate student affiliates will continue their working in a new project called Ecological Thought, based at the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies.

On the Plantation and Climate History

Climate Change, Decolonization, and Global Blackness

Dale Tomich, "The Slave Plantation: Environment, History and Cycles of Capital Accumulation"

This lecture was delivered at the CCDGB in Fall 2022. We are saddened to note the passing of Prof. Tomich in August 2024.


Feel free to contact Christina Chia at