Launched in Summer/Fall 2021, the Amazon Lab is home to a set of projects that foreground the region’s remarkable heterogeneity. Creating a new paradigm for the study of the Amazon within the interdisciplinary field of the environmental humanities, incorporating a number of humanistic and scientific disciplines as well as indigenous modes of knowledge, the lab will develop a workshop and film series and an interdisciplinary Amazon seminar at Duke University, as well as a Virtual Amazon Network across the United States, South America, and the Amazon region. Its co-directors are: Gustavo Furtado, Associate Professor of Romance Studies; Christine Folch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology; Paul Baker, Professor of Earth and Ocean Sciences; and affiliate Michael Heckenberger, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Florida, who has worked extensively with the Kuikuro people of the Mato Grosso region.
The Amazon Lab is supported by the Office of Global Affairs through the Hanscom Endowment.