The John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute (FHI) seeks proposals from graduate student-led working groups organized around topics of cross-disciplinary concern in the humanities, arts, and interpretive social sciences. We are especially interested in projects that relate to our projected 2025-26 Annual Theme, the Future of Critical Thought, as well as ongoing FHI projects such as Entanglement (on race, health, and climate), Black Archives, and our Humanities Labs.

Full Call for Proposals

Call for Proposals: Faculty Manuscript Workshops, Fall 2025

The Franklin Humanities Institute’s Faculty Book Manuscript Workshop Program provides support for the development and completion of scholarly monographs. It provides a structure for generating constructive, informed criticism on near-final book manuscripts, at a moment in the writing process when authors can most effectively utilize feedback. The aim of the program is to transform already excellent scholarly projects into superior published works.

Full Call for Proposals

Call for Applications: Climate Change, Decolonization, and Global Blackness Summer Workshop 2025

The John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute (FHI) at Duke University and the Center for Environmental Humanities at Brown (CEHAB) at the Cogut Institute are pleased to announce this year’s Climate Change, Decolonization, and Global Blackness Summer Workshop, to be held at Brown from May 27 to June 1, 2025. Entitled “In the Dissolution,” this year's Workshop will explore the unraveling and dissolving of the colonial paradigm toward other ways of organizing life on the planet.

A joint collaboration between Duke and Brown University, the workshop is open to Duke PhD students who will need to complete an application via Brown's website.

Duke graduate students should submit applications no later than February 16, 2025 including a letter of interest (maximum 3 pages) and an abbreviated CV of two pages maximum. Each student must submit an individual application. 

FHI will cover the cost of travel and accommodations for Duke participants.

Full Call for Applications

Call for Applications: Stuart Hall Archive Project Summer Research Fellowship

The John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute (FHI) at Duke University and the Stuart Hall Archive Project (SHAP) at the University of Birmingham, UK, invite applications for 2-3 short-term graduate research fellows for Summer 2025. The Fellowship will run for 8 weeks, from May 19 through July 11, with the middle 4 weeks designated for on-site research in Birmingham. 

Full Call for Applications

Call for Applications or Nominations: Duke Human Rights Center @ FHI Director(s)

The John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute invites applications or nominations for a new faculty director or co-directors of the Duke Human Rights Center at the FHI (DHRC@FHI), beginning July 1 2025, for a 3-year renewable term. Interested regular rank faculty may apply. Faculty invested in the work of the Center may also nominate suitable colleagues.  

Full Call for Applications or Nominations

Call for proposals: Duke-DKU Collaborative Research Initiatives

Deadline: December 1, 2024

The DKU Humanities Research Center (HRC) invites proposals for collaborative research initiatives involving a combination of Duke and DKU faculty, and engaging with the Humanities (with the Humanities understood broadly as covering the traditional humanities, the interpretive social sciences, and the creative arts). Applicants may request up to $10,000 per initiative.

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Work Study Opportunity: Student Camera Operators/Video Editors at the Franklin Humanities Institute

We need reliable students eager to learn & practice video production and editing. Great job for VMS majors! The John Hope Franklin Humanities Institute is continuing to grow our robust YouTube library with talks, seminars, and project highlights. Join us!

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Call for Proposals: Faculty Book Manuscript Workshops, Spring 2025

Deadline: September 16, 2024

The Franklin Humanities Institute’s Faculty Book Manuscript Workshop Program provides support for the development and completion of scholarly monographs. It provides a structure for generating constructive, informed criticism on near-final book manuscripts, at a moment in the writing process when authors can most effectively utilize feedback. The aim of the program is to transform already excellent scholarly projects into superior published works. The Book MS Workshop award includes funding as well as logistical support. (Note that it does not include fellowship or course-release funding.)

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FHI Opportunity for Authors: Permission Fee Subvention

Deadline: Rolling; release date: August 14, 2024

FHI is pleased to announce subventions for Duke authors who need to include illustrations in their forthcoming books and find the fees charged by sources such as museums, archives, and publishers prohibitive.  Other fees related to book illustrations (such as the engagement of an image editor or costs incurred for copy photography) may also be applicable. Applications can be submitted on a rolling basis, though the funding available per fiscal year is limited.

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Co-Sponsorship Funding and Support

Deadline: Rolling

Each year, the FHI provides co-sponsorship funding and support to a large number of events and projects at Duke. Requests will be reviewed by the FHI Director at least once a month. If you do not receive a response in 3 weeks, please contact FHI Assistant Director Pamela Montgomery (


Go to FHI Co-sponsorship Request Form